12 March 2025
28 January 2025
22 January 2025
30 March 2020
JAKARTA, March 30, 2020 - The number of Corona Virus positive patients (COVID-19) per Sunday (30 March), has been increased to 1,285 people. As many as 49 of them died, and 30 people were declared cured. If the case fatality rate is calculated, Indonesia stands at 9.33 percent as of March 23, 2020, while the cure rate is at 5.6 percent. President Jokowi has ordered early detection of patients who are likely to be exposed to COVID-19. The government is also speeding up the quarantine facility project for COVID-19 control, bring the rapid test device, strengthen patient contact tracing, and bring 9 tons of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or APD that ready to be distributed to healthcare professional. The government has also transformed the Kemayoran Athlete's House into a COVID-19 emergency hospital complete with isolation house. President Jokowi has also asked the public to seriously implement social distancing and preventive healthy life style such as maintaining a hygiene healthy lifestyle, in order to suppress the spread of the Corona Virus outbreak.
According to dr. Erlina Burhan, M.Sc, SpP (K), Consultant for Lung Sub Infections of RS Persahabatan, people affected by COVID-19 will experience fever, cough, and runny nose. If the infection has reached the lungs, people can experience pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) and experience difficult breathing or shortness that can lead to death. But in some cases, a person with Corona Virus does not show any symptoms. dr. Erlina said that Corona Virus is very smart. This virus may has possibility to not make a person sick due to a good immunity, but Corona Virus may hide in a person's body. Then, the virus will be transferred back to people through droplet to whom with weak immune systems.
Corona virus can also attack children. According to the Business Insider report, researchers stated that 90% of children with Corona Virus showed mild or moderate symptoms, 39% developed pneumonia without showing obvious symptoms, another 50% experienced fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, temporary fatigue. The other 4% do not show any symptoms. dr Erlina advised that we should have balanced nutrition, enough rest, and drink supplement and multivitamin. "People need to increase their vigilance, we need to be alert because Corona Virus can be transmitted if there is direct contact with people who have already had corona. But if someone has strong immunity, the corona virus may not be harmful, "said dr. Erlina.
Prof. Dr. Chairul A. Nidom, Chairperson of the Corona Research Team and Vaccine Formulation from the Professor Nidom Foundation (PNF), expert who directly involved with avian flu outbreak many year ago explained, COVID-19 as well as Avian Flu were international or global outbreaks. Avian Flu is not pandemic that it is not easily spread like COVID-19. The risk of avian influenza death can be up to 83,9 percent in Indonesia, but the number of infected is not too much. COVID-19 spread faster because it can be transmitted through direct contact between humans. Therefore it is very important that we need to maintain the immune system to avoid COVID-19 virus.
One of natural ingredient that can be used to maintain immune system is Temulawak or Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb that contain curcumin . Temulawak has long been used by Indonesian people to maintain health, prevention and treatment of diseases, and in the recovery period.
Related to the COVID-19 virus infection, Prof. Nidom explained that curcumin in temulawak was able to control the production of cytokines as a result of a cell infected by a virus, both the infuenza virus and Covid-19. Cytokines are proteins produced by the immune system, if it exposed to the virus continuously there may cause cytokine storms that make the lungs dense and rigid, causing shortness of breath and even respiratory failure and can lead to death. Prof. Nidom revealed, in a study he conducted in 2008 Curcumin in Temulawak was able to control inflammatory cytokines so cytokine storms would not occur. Prof. Nidom's research is inline and confirm the results of previous studies which stated that Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) which contains curcumin has an effect on immune system as an immunomodulator (Cattanzaro et al, 2018). Varalaksmi, et.al. (2008) through in vivo research also states that curcumin can modulate the immune system by increasing the ability of T cell proliferation
Bio-informatics research published on March 2020 and recent literature has mentioned that curcumin is one of the SARS-CoV-2 antivirus candidates. It is expected that curcumin in Temulawak may increase the expression of ACE2 in the form of soluble which can inhibit the binding of viral proteins with ACE2 fixed form on the surface of host cells, where ACE 2 is a host cell for Covid-19. (Inggrid Tania, 2020).
Dr. Inggrid Tania, M.Sc., as the Chairperson of the Indonesian Doctor’s Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Development Association (PDPOTJI) supported the study. Dr. Inggrid explained, functionally there are two forms of ACE2, the fixed form (attached to the cell surface) and soluble (free form in the blood). Soluble form ACE2 is projected to be one of the corona antivirus candidates through a competitive interceptor mechanism that prevents bonds between virus particles and ACE2 on the surface of host cells.
According to Dr. Inggrid, Temulawak has been consumed by Indonesian people for centuries. Dr. Inggrid explained, based on empirical experiential evidence, scientific evidence, and clinical evidence Temulawak is proven safe ang give benefit for immune system. Various worldwide studies, especially in-vitro and preclinical studies on curcumin, show that curcumin has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant.
DR. Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo, MSi, VP Research & Development, Regulatory & Pharmacovigillance Soho Global Health advised to use Temulawak Extract. The use of temulawak extract according to Dr. Aswin is more effective to maintain body health because the curcumin level is standardized and suitable with needs and requirement ."To get Temulawak (Curcuma) 20 mg extract, it needs 7500 mg of fresh Temulawak, so that the Curcuma FCT product is very simple and comfortable for patients to use without the hassle of making a stew," said Dr. Aswin. High Quality product with Temulawak based from SOHO are Curcuma FCT, Curcuma tablets and and Curcuma Plus. For children, Curcuma Plus is available in the form of vitamin syrup and tablets and also Growing Up Milk. For adults , Curcuma FCT available in tablet form.
PT SOHO Global Health, as a pharmaceutical company that produces modern herbal medicines continues to focus on developing Indonesia's natural potential consistently shows seriousness in developing Temulawak. SOHO Center of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR) is a SOHO plantation and research facility focuses on Temulawak research and cultivation. SOHO products have been tested for toxicity, the results of which state that SOHO Temulawak products based are safe for consumption. In addition, with the concept of Seed to Patient, SOHO innovates to produce high quality and standardized temulawak start from the seed process, until it is tested in Pre-clinical and Clinical trials. The process of planting up to processing has been Certified Organic by Organic Agriculture Certification from Inofice, an Organic Crop Certification Agency
SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.
21 September 2020
12 September 09/12/19
15 August 08/15/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
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